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How To Take Great Easter Photos

Here are 4 simple tips for taking better (and more FUN) Easter pictures this year…


1. Take Pictures Before & After
Be sure to start photographing Easter a few days before Easter and at least one day after Easter.

This is because Easter is a holiday, and holidays last more than one day. Don’t overlook all that takes place in preparation for the Easter holiday. Think of it as the story-behind-the-story. You’ll thank yourself later.

Some things to photograph:

  • Family members coming home from the store with new outfits
  • The process of coloring Easter eggs
  • Cooking & baking in preparation for Easter dinner
  • Family members putting on their Sunday Best
  • Your pet’s involvement in Easter
  • Family members interacting (talking, playing games, watching TV)
  • Lots of candid photos of family members just being themselves
  • The process of pre- and post-Easter preparation and clean-up


2. Take Some Indoor Photos

Since your flash will most likely fire in all your indoor Easter shots, just remember that your subject can’t be more than 10 feet away from the camera. (That’s just 3 long strides.)

To eliminate red-eye from your indoor shots, turn on more lights in the room. Also, shoot more candids — where the subject is not looking directly at you. Or, encourage them to look at anything but you.


3. Take Some Outdoor Photos

Be sure to plan some of your Easter activities outdoors. After all, it’s Spring! What better way to celebrate the new season than by having some fun outside for a change?

Colorful pastic Easter eggs.


4. Photograph The True Colors Of Easter

Easter lends itself to some brilliant colors and hues. In addition to the colorful symbols of Easter that you’re sure to photograph, also consider dressing children (and pets!) in bright colors.

They will complement the surrounding colors:

  • Bright blue sky outdoors becomes a backdrop if you shoot at ground level
  • Deep green grass that symbolizes Spring
  • Vibrantly-colored Easter eggs
  • Easter baskets with an array of colorful treats overflowing
  • Yellow marshmallow chicks and other colorful candies

Speaking of color, remember to take candid photographs of people’s colorful personality, playfulness, even moodiness — whatever the moment brings. Moods are evident in photographs and will help to tell your Easter story in pictures.