Electronics & GadgetsFun With Photos

A Fun Photo Tradition: See How We Take Unique Local Photos Prior To Moving To A New Area!

Here is a fun photo idea that my husband and I started doing when we first met.

We have since gone through several moves together — some for jobs, some for fun.

Whenever we’re contemplating moving to a new area, we take a picture using that area’s natural surroundings to creatively spell out the name of the town we’re considering moving to.

Here’s a little about how this photo tradition got started, and the photos from our most recent moves…

First, Our Move To Pensacola, FL

It all started with our move to Pensacola, Florida.

At the time, I lived in Orlando and Jim lived in Jacksonville.

We happened to be driving on the beach on a weekday afternoon (we had both played hooky from work that day!), and Jim started “drawing” in the sand.

We decided we'd draw our dreams in the sand.

That reminded us of a picture we’d once seen where a couple on their honeymoon had drawn their wedding date in the sand — and then they took a photograph to commemorate the moment!

From there, we were on a mission…

What to write? And how to squeeze it all within the frame of one photograph?

Purely on a whim, we thought: Well, we’ve been tossing about the idea of moving to Pensacola for a few weeks… So let’s just jot out something about Pensacola.

Before we knew it, here’s what we came up with:

Pensacola or Bust drawn in the sand

…And that was the actual moment we decided to move to Pensacola!

Then, Our Move To Nashville, TN

After we’d been in Pensacola for a few years and were itching for a new “more happenin” place to call home, we found ourselves one weekend in Nashville, Tennessee on vacation.

We were having an awesome time there — very laid back and casual. And we even talked about possibly moving to Nashville someday, because the area seemed like a good fit for us.

Then, on our way out of town (about to drive back to Pensacola), we decided to stop at a really nice little city park in the town of Franklin, TN.

Along the lines of how things went on the beach in Pensacola… we realized that when it came right down to it, we were actually very interested in moving here some day.

So we decided to place some of the leaves that had dropped from the large Oak trees (it was Fall) into some meaningful arrangement and take a picture to commemorate the moment.

Next thing we knew, we had something like this:

… This was yet another “sign” of a future move! We ended up moving to Nashville a mere 5 months later!

Future Moving Photos?

We left our mark on the beach: 'Pensacola or Bust'.

I sure hope whatever city we move to next lends itself to some creative landscape — so we can continue this fun photo tradition!

Odds are, we won’t be moving anywhere cold and snowy. But if we do… guess we could just actually pee in the snow a little message.

Oh, and I’m sure we could manage to create something really unique for a move to somewhere like Hawaii!!!

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